Saturday, 21 August 2021


How Hun Sen et al. Profiteer From Covid


«អ្នកខ្លះថា រួចម៉េចបានជាទៅទិញតែពីចិន រួចម៉េចក៏អាមេរិកអាអីមិនទិញ? មិនមែនមិនចង់ទិញទេ តែទិញវាមិនបាន។»

ឱវណ្ណឌីន  វិទ្យុបារាំងអន្តរជាតិ   ថ្ងៃទី ២០ កក្កដា ២០២១

«មួយរយៈចុងក្រោយនេះ មានបាតុភាពបានកើតឡើងជារឿយ​ៗ ដែល​អ្នកជំងឺ​មាន​សភាព​ធ្ងន់​ធ្ងរបាន​ទៅ​រក​កន្លែង​ព្យាបាល​នៅតាមសេវាសាធារណៈ (មន្ទីរពេទ្យរដ្ឋ) និងសេវាព្យាបាលឯកជន (គ្លីនិកឯកជន) តែ​បែរ​ជាមន្ទីរពេទ្យ​មួយចំនួន​​មិន​​ទទួល​​ពួកគាត់​យក​​ទៅព្យាបាល​ទៅវិញ។»

រដ្ឋមន្ត្រីក្រសួងសុខាភិបាល លោក ម៉ម ប៊ុនហេង ថ្ងៃទី ៦ សីហា ២០២១  វីអូឌី

«ខ្ញុំសូមអំពាវនាវចំពោះឯកឧត្តម លោកជំទាវ លោកឧកញ៉ា លោកស្រី អស់លោកសំរាប់ចាក់ដូសទី៣ គឺសុំអោយផ្អាកការដាក់សំណើរស្នើសុំ គឺផ្អាក។»

នាយក​រ​ដ្ឋ​មន្រ្ដីហ៊ុនសែន  ថ្ងៃទី ៩ សីហា ២០២១ វិទ្យុបារាំងអន្តរជាតិ 


Hun Sen and his elite minions must be one of the few in the world to profiteer from the Covid pandemic. His latest scheme for personal wealth enrichment is to outsource imports and supplies of much sought-after Western Covid vaccines to his medical minions who can then charge the public a fee.

The scheme creates a potential two-billion-dollar industry. If the UN and Aun Pornmoniroth are right that Covid has sent 17.4% of the population into poverty, then 2.9 million of them cannot presumably afford the private vaccination fee. Only the 14 million better-off can, without pawning their possessions. The vaccination is initially open only to those older than 17 years old, which means 9.0 million of the better-off. Hun Sen later increases the market size by lowering the vaccination age down to 12, which goes against the UN’s recommendation that vaccinations for all older adults be first completed; they say they are more at risk. Anyway, this adds 1.6 million better-off onto the demand; it is then expanded further with Hun Sen’s subsequent proclamation of a third jab for all. If the private vaccination fee is $100 per jab – maybe be higher for Pfizer’s – the industry income will surpass $2 billion for two jabs per person. And if Hun Sen decides the Covid vaccination needs a periodic boost, the industry will be forever lucrative.

It is surprising the scheme now makes imports of Western vaccines suddenly possible. Only last month, Hun Sen’s Covid spokeswoman Or Vandine is adamant the government cannot buy them; they want to. His medical business minions claim they can and will initially import Pfizer and Morderna.

One must have rocks in their head to deny the scheme’s centrepiece is corruption that Hun Sen has perfected to become an open secret. Like other lucrative businesses in the country, there must be grease payments to secure Hun Sen’s permit and blessings for the vaccine import and distribution. About ten private hospitals and clinics have already been blessed.

The permit holders must know they are going to make a killing in the healthcare system that usually has a high disregard for doctors’ Hippocratic Oath. Health Minister Mom Bun Heng says they have turned away Covid patients. They pick and choose which patients to treat to maximise their cashflows. They know there has been a widespread mistrust of the Chinese vaccines; many will pay “anything” for Western shots.

Thus, there will be a rush among the better-off for the Western vaccines. The elite minions have already asked Hun Sen for Astra Zeneca, after the first batch barely arrives. Though the man refuses it in public, which makes him look fair-minded and respectable, the minions must know how the backdoor works. They may think with a smirk that Hun Sen is just kidding himself when rejecting their courtesy overture.

The vaccination outsourcing scheme is hardly surprising, though; it is consistent with Hun Sen’s track records of enriching and protecting his power base, which has never been the 2.9 million destitute. 

Ung Bun Ang


Fake News You Can Trust 

So, when is the right time to use Astra Zeneca vaccine as the third dose Hun Sen has ordered for those who have already had Sinopharm or Sinovac as their first two doses?

According to Hun Sen, nobody knows. He says his government and the Health Ministry have no idea until they conduct a diligent study to determine the appropriate time gap between the three doses. If he is in the dark, why has he rushed to announce the third dose, which gets all the nervous excited?

However, it seems either Hun Sen does not know what he is talking about, or he is kept out of the loop, or his early dementia has set in. A few days earlier, Chair of the Committee for Covid-19 Vaccinations Or Vandine announces the ideal time gap between the first and the proposed third dose is between six to eight months.

With so many committees and sub-committees Hun Sen has set up to deal with the pandemic, no wonder he has lost tracks of what is going on. Covid may just create enough havoc to send many of those committee members into having their examined. 


« យើងអត់ទាន់បានសិក្សាអំពីគំលាតរវាងដូសទី១ ដូសទី២ អោយរាជរដ្ឋាភិបាលក៏ដូចជាក្រសួងសុខាភិបាលខ្លួនឯងក៏មិនទាន់បានកំណត់អំពីការចាក់សំរាប់ធ្វើជាការដូសជំរុញនេះបានដែរ។… លុះត្រាតែមានការសិក្សាហ្មត់ចត់អំពីគំលាតរវាងដូសទី១ ដូសទី២ និងដូសទី៣ ហើយយើងមានវ៉ាក់សាំង ទើបយើងអាចឈានទៅដល់ការចាក់ជូនអ្នកដែលបានចាក់ដូសទី១ ដូសទី២នៃវ៉ាក់សាំងអាស្រាសេនីកា ។»

នាយក​រ​ដ្ឋ​មន្រ្ដីហ៊ុនសែន  ថ្ងៃទី ៩ សីហា ២០២១ វិទ្យុបារាំងអន្តរជាតិ 

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